Special offer. We have a small group and have been told that this could be the last time we can visit the Osmonds so we are offering a $1500 discount on the full trip, $600 off section one or $800 off section 2.
Pre-trip meeting 6.30 p.m., outdoor area, Kimberley Croc Motel. This meeting is important. If you cannot make the meeting, please advise us well in advance.
Pick up between 7.00 and 7.30 a.m. Pick up is from your accommodation as arranged at the pre-trip meeting.
Drive to the Bungles Stop en route to buy cool drinks, etc.
Walk to first campsite.
Bush camping. Carrying full packs on most days, day packs at other times, exploring gorges.
Those joining this are collected from their accommodation in Kununurra and taken out to meet us. You must contact us to confirm pickup details well before departure.
Those doing only section one return to Kununurra. The rest take a helicopter to the start of the Osmond Walk.
Bushwalking. Carrying full packs some days, day packs at other times.
Helicopter flight back to the airstrip. Drive back to Kununurra, arriving mid afternoon.